Flag reference
Below is a list of the flags you can place on objects using @set
and @clear
. Flags are on/off; unlike attributes such as desc
, you don't set them to a specific piece of text.
You can use @details <object>
to see what flags are set on it.
Available flags:
: Applies to rooms. When set, anyone can add their own exits and entrances to the room, without consulting the room's owner first.
: When set, anyone - even players who do not own the object - will be able to make changes to it.
: Applies to exits. When set, the exit cannot be traveled through. Blocked can only be set or cleared on an exit by the owner of the exit's destination.
: Applies to rooms. When set, people aren't allowed to drop things inside.
: Applies to items. When set, the item cannot be picked up.
: The item can be teleported at a distance, even by players who don't own it.
: Applies to players. When set on a player, other players won't be able to give that player gifts.
: Applies to players, rooms, and items. When set, players will not be able to see the item "from a distance".
: Applies to rooms. When set on a room, only selected players will be able to teleport in.
: Applies to items. The item cannot be picked up, and it won't you up in the "You see here:" list when players type look
in the room with the item.
: This player is a wizard. You can't set this flag on yourself; it can only be bestowed by another wizard.